I understand how scary this Covid nonsense truly is. A friend of the family brought this bioweapon to my house and my family suffered for two weeks through sickness and hospitalization. I never want to appear as if I truly don't feel concerned for those who have suffered this bioweapon. My sister is a chemist and she looked at the molecular diagram of the Covid. She said it was very apparent that it was created in a lab as a chimera of sorts. This has been a sinister plot to weaken the world. Why would they want us weakened? For some ungodly reason, they designed a "vaccine" that they wanted to make sure was in every human across this world. Scientists are finding nanotechnologies that can hurt the immune system and track individuals in these jabs. They purposedly let this thing loose so they could later jab us with their intended target. It sounds so crazy. Yet, more and more proof keeps appearing to their nefarious plans. I know personally how scary this bioweapon is. I spent time in the hospital and I have had family members die from their improper treatment plans. True treatments are being blocked while those harmful options are being pushed. It is scary. It is hard. There is truth out there. My goal for sharing this information is to try to get some truth out for people to see. I know we can work together to stand up for our rights and get through this. The Constitution protects you from being forced any medical treatment including a jab. Please see the resources below to fight for your rights. I love each and every one of you and desire to serve to the best of my ability. 


There is a team of doctors taking action to help protect our children and to bring justice to those injured by this plandemic and this experimental jab. Please visit https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org to see what they are doing to protect you and your children.

This protocol is a suggestion to help you battle the spike proteins. Please read


Click here for a list of documents to protect your rights from any coercion or mandates: https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/documents

List of Covid Vax Videos: